In the world of social media marketing, the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” takes on a whole new meaning. Today, the news that fills the feeds of our favorite social networks is often lost in the clutter if it’s not easily digestible or captivating as we quickly scroll through the screens of various devices. So, how can you keep your brands content from getting overlooked by your audience? By incorporating visual content into your social marketing strategy.

When visual content is executed correctly it can increase your brands reach and engagement and even influence customers and potential customers purchasing decisions. This is because visual content is easier for your audience to comprehend and remember. In fact, research shows we only recall around 20% of what we read, but retain as much as 80% of what we see!

In order to get a better understanding of the impact visual content can have for a brands social media strategy, here are a few helpful infographics that prove visuals are the best way to capture your audiences’ attention.

1) NeoMam Studios– Thirteen Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics

Thirteen Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics

2) Hubspot– 5 Steps To Getting More Engagement With Your Visual Content

5 Steps To Getting More Engagement With Your Visual Content

3) Quick Sprout– Ultimate Guide To Creating Visually Appealing Content 

Ultimate Guide To Creating Visually Appealing Content


Infographics are just one of the many different types of visual content your brand can start incorporating into its marketing strategy. Some other types of visual content are: videos, photography, memes, illustrations, and charts/graphs. However, the key to your content’s success is to make sure it’s high quality, visually rich and appeals to your audience. So, instead of a picture being worth a thousand words, today a picture could be worth a thousand likes, shares, comments, pins, retweets or favorites, and who couldn’t benefit from that?

-Maygan, Social Media