Why is a Color Scheme so Important to Your Brand – Logo/Website/Social Media


Color schemes can convey a certain mood, emotion, or personality. For instance, yellow (in small doses) is often associated with happiness, while purple can signify royalty and luxury. Dark blue, on the other hand, conveys a sense of trustworthiness and security. Your brand’s personality traits are the bright stars of your color scheme, and they communicate with your target audience through your logo, website, and social media.


There isn’t a single “right” way to choose your brand’s color scheme; it can be an abstract process. However, using three colors consistently is the fundamental aspect of brand recognition. A well-planned color scheme can help you stand out in a competitive market, enhance your business’s professionalism, and, most importantly, evoke emotions and feelings in your target audience. Here are a few of today’s most recognizable logos. Their colors break down to excitement, trust, happiness/optimism, security, creativity, power & sophistication, and playfulness.


Color Scheme Logos

Image reposted from verve branding.com


A cohesive design creates a unified brand image that communicates messages without needing words across your website and social pages. A color scheme must also be user-friendly, ensuring the text is readable. Building trust with your audience is achieved by following these steps. A familiar color scheme instills a sense of reliability and dependability with the goal of loyalty.


A color scheme is about more than aesthetics for your brand. It is the visual language that communicates your brand’s personality, values, and message to your audience through your logo, website, and social media.  


At YCS Marketing, we inspire creativity in your brand, beginning with the color scheme. We will help you connect with new and existing customers with targeted and personalized advertising.


Visit us at ycsmarketing.com