Simple Ways to Increase Engagement On Social Media  

While many businesses use social media, a lot of them struggle to get engagement. Simply defined, engagement is the measurement of comments, likes and shares.  

Of course, when people think of signs of a successful social media profile they look to the number of followers an account has. Having many followers will always be a goal for any social media profile, however, the greatest measure of social media success is an engaged audience, not just a large one.  

Activity and engagement should be a huge area of focus for every brand because these metrics build a positive brand experience and develop meaningful relations with new and potential customers.  

In other words, the more engaged your audience is, the more other people will see your posts and the better you will achieve your social media goals. Below are a few ways to help you increase your engagement on your social platforms.  


Simple Ways to Increase Engagement  

  • Initiate conversation with your followers: Try to reply to every comment, DM, and story reply that you receive. If people are willing to engage with you, it means they care about what you’re posting. Instagram’s newest algorithm updates rewards engagement over impressions and follower count. It’s also taking into consideration whose content you engage with the most and is showing you that person’s content more frequently than the content you don’t engage with.
  • Use hashtags: While your posts may already reach your existing followers, hashtags help you engage people who aren’t already following you. When you use relevant and trending hashtags in your Instagram posts, you improve the chances of users finding your content. 
  • Schedule Your posts for the right time: Social media users aren’t online all of the time. Find out when your followers are most likely to be online and then schedule your posts accordingly. The goal is to have them see your posts and possibly like, comment, and/or share the posts. According to recent studies Facebook posts tend to drive the most engagement between 1 PM and 4 PM on the weekends, while Instagram users are engaged throughout the week with the most active hours being 8-9 AM.
  • Focus on video content: Video content is more engaging than photos on social media, and while you regularly post images, videos bring a refreshing change to your usual content. To further amplify engagement, add text to your videos. Using text on videos grabs people’s attention and causes them to stop scrolling and read what you are saying which may make them more likely interact with your account. 
  • Host a giveaway/contest: Another excellent way to increase social media engagement is by hosting a giveaway contest. This tactic drives engagement mainly because people have a chance of receiving something. It could compel them to engage with brand or influencer content on social media.
  • Introduce Influencer content: Social media influencers have achieved an influential status because of their ability to create excellent content, and they know what their audiences want. Make the most of their influence by getting them to enrich your social media content. This could encourage their followers to engage with your brand and content. It could also provide existing followers with refreshing content that differs from your usual posts.
  • Feature followers on your feed: featuring your customers turns them into brand advocates. When you share user-generated content on social media, you’re providing followers with proof that your existing customers love your products. And you’re also winning the loyalty of the fans whose posts you share by making them feel appreciated.

Let us know if we can help you increase your engagement on social media.